Saturday, July 2, 2011

Three years of almost everything....

I haven't posted on my blog for past three years and I feel I have done quite well in still remembering the password and the email id to log on to blogger.

A lot has happened over these three years and to be honest, it has been a topsy-turvy journey.

From allegedly 'absconding' from my first job, to starting a new venture and then dissolving it, from cricket to tennis and from girlfriend to my soul-mate (fortunately the same girl), every transition has been intriguing and far away from what I had expected.

But now I feel there is this new awakening within me and its time that I began sharing my experiences with others as they might prevent people from making the mistakes that I made and also motivate or inspire them to do the good things that I have done.......

Really happy to be back........

I will write about technology specially mobile and web apps, some really good personal experiences and would also share my literary work created during the obscurity phase.


Himanshu Jaiswal said...

All the best rahul for your new venture...

Purva Kulkarni said...

Finally Rahul got some time....!!! Atleast for his work....;)

shivani said...

next post kya 2014 me likhoge???
start writing....

Rahul said...

@Himanshu Thanks a lot