Sunday, July 10, 2011

develop cross platform mobile apps

iOS, BlackBerry, Android, etc - where is it going to end? 

The world of mobile apps is witnessing an exponential growth and all the major players are in the race to the lead the pack.

Android and iOS seem to be the run away leaders at the moment but the developers are finding it harder day by day to cope up with technological advancements made by these platforms......It is already a challenge to master these technologies individually and to master them all is a totally different ball game.

That brings us to a point where we start to ponder over certain ways of overcoming this issue and the simple(to think) yet difficult (to implement) answer to it is : cross platform mobile apps.

With the advent of HTML 5 and powerful javascript and more and more powerful mobile devices, a new breed of platforms have arrived which allow creation of cross platform apps which means code once using standard web technologies and deploy on various platforms. 

The idea has gathered a lot of momentum in the last couple of years and some really good work has been done by the experts. The APIs are comprehensive and fast and usually cater for most of the functionalities and considering the amount of investment that is being made in terms of money and effort, it could be said that it is just the beginning.

The most buzzing ones according to me are:

Apart from the above platforms, Infosys has come up with a unique platform of its own by the name of Flypp which is a solution for operators and developers both. Infy hasn't opened it for everyone and that's why I wasn't able to go through it.

PhoneGap is my personal favorite because it is free and lightweight.

Hope this helps the developers who believe in hitting every mobile platform.

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