Friday, August 29, 2008

Are We There Yet?

Whenever I a meet an aspirant (could be any Indian), I usually find him/her engrossed in a very intriguing dilemma. The question that I am usually asked is “Am I going to succeed”? And the obvious answer that I come up with is “It’s up to you”. I have always been an admirer of talent and creativity and I firmly believe that an individual is at his productive best when he does something which he really loves to do. This is not a myth but a fact which has been proven time and again over the years. The parameters for success may vary from an individual to individual but still there is one aspect common to everyone’s success and that is love for the job and may be that’s why an individual called Harsha Bhogle thought cricket talk was far more fulfilling than creating ads even though he post graduated from a top notch business school. I see two reasons behind his unprecedented success, one he really loves to do what he does and second he was and is fearless. The love factor is obvious but I found Harsha fearless because he dared to choose a field which was in no way related to his academic background and that’s the essence of the story, “Do what you really love to do and be fearless”.
Sometimes I get engrossed into deep thoughts when I see young assiduous Indians being apprehensive about their future. Planning and thought process are important but just thinking won’t help. There is an adage that hard work pays dividends but I dare say that mere hard work is not enough, hard work in right direction coupled with timeliness pays dividends. The world is fast paced and no matter at what speed you run, you will always have a notion that you are lagging behind and in such circumstances a directionless run would lead you absolutely no where. It’s really simple, if you want to be a goldsmith, you will have to be patient and persevering. Using the techniques of a blacksmith just won’t fetch you the desired result no matter how hard you work. Thus it’s obvious that it’s really important that you realize your potential and work in the right direction to harness it in a true sense. Doing what you really love to do will increase your productivity and it will suffice for any other shortcomings. In this era of cut throat competition, you are the one cutting your own throat, making decisions out of fear, doing things that you really do not want yourself to be doing. At times you are helpless and this fact drives you away from your passion. But always remind yourself that this has to be temporary, be optimistic, be spontaneous, be smart to finally bail yourself out of the situation and the most important thing is to never give up. If Lance Armstrong can fight cancer to win Tour de France, one of the most coveted cycling races, then why can’t you? It’s much more psychological then physiological. It’s all in the mind and the mind is within you and thus everything is in you. Just discover yourself to rediscover your life.
Coming down to current scenario, I think a good part of our youth is getting mislead, it would be wrong to point out a single source of such misleading forces but it’s possible to say that they are prevailing and they are prevailing big time. Take a bout, spend time with yourself and find out what you really want from life, do you actually want to spend time listening to pseudo journalists and mass communicators who have become as threatening as the threats they blabber about, or do you want to be creative and give something to the nation which has tremendous talent and a lot to offer. Get your life back. Fight hard against all the odds.
Pondering over the present situation, I feel that every Indian involved in constructive work must ask himself/herself, are we there yet?

1 comment:

Ketan said...

Just do what you want to do and be fearless...great thought...!!

People do what they want to do but not what they are meant to is the rarest of situation where - what you are meant to do is what you want to do...!!

it is really thought provoking dude....!!