Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just Asking To Be Human..............

Who is your biggest enemy?............the one for whom you have tremendous animosity? or the one who has always pulled you down? or the one who has turned your lifestyle into a spaghetti?...........You might be oblivious of many other enemies and the intensity of your hatred towards them.......but at the end of the day...........the only person unhappy is 'YOU'.

The cut throat competition has turned us into result oriented masses of flesh who thrive hard to get the job done. Although we have achieved tremendous growth, we have been really disappointing on the moral grounds. There is so much at stake that sometimes ethics seem really light weight and the last priority..........This tussle is for what? depends on the person invloved but one thing is sure that there are instances where everyone one of us has pulled other person down to rise or may be because we have become invertate of doing so........... Its really poignant and probably that's why the modern day oldies are so apprehensive about our ethics and cultural shift.......
Affinity towards exponential growth is palpable but making progress through inhuman and unethical means is culpable.......Althought this is not the view of the fair share of the population but still it is important as from hereon this moral degradation of ours promises to procline...........
Its important to inculcate more humaneness in ourselves just to make ourselves feel good.......after all that is what most of us want from our lives......So your biggest enemy is your own self.........once you sort out the ways to bridle your notions and turn more human the world would be a different place altogether.........the path suggested might be tough to follow but in life nothing comes easily and once a person attains the desired level of would be a whole new world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

beautiful thought..... put up in a nice way(i was not able to understand few words).....the blog has a nice theme .... including my favorite topic Ethics.....n i completely agree to the content of the topic...
waiting for more new ideas from u....

shivani... said...

a gr8 attempt to provoke others to think if 'success' is more important than the peace of mind... have the relative terms like morality, ethics..have become a passe in today's world?
but happiness is some thing what moolah can't buy....
n its nice 2 see that u had the courage to write on such bizarre topic in the very first blog.....
keep writing sense..

Ketan said...

Well written junior....!!

Readers should know that the writer of "Just asking to be human.." is my junior when it comes to writing blogs...and also i have been his source of inspiration to write...i provoked him to write....i knew from the start this boy can do a world of good when it comes to writing....

Self-Introspection is always a good and healty thing...and what i feel that it is a must...
Great initiative taken by Rahul to make people aware of what is must ?

Point is - Knowing yourself is what seems to be difficult and one finds eternity after he achieves this level...

Exellent thought dost....Keep up the good work....